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Baby Fox


Platemat - Nude

Baby Fox

دك 9.000

اللون: مشمشي
Is it time for your little curious "food explorer" to start learning to eat by themself? As exciting as it may be, this transition can be met with some challenges along the way. It’s fun to watch them work so hard to learn an independent skill, but a horrible mess is inevitable. It's not always a walk in the park. In the beginning of learning to eat food, babies will most likely miss their mouth and the food will wind up all over the table and floor. With that experience in mind, as parents ourselves, we wanted to design a product to make this phase a little smoother . We came up with this one of a kind product which we call "platemat". Is is a combination of a placemat, plate and tray. It's the ideal product for introducing food to your baby, whether it's BLW or the “I can do it myself” phase. No plate will ever be big enough and no placemat will keep all the crumbs and fluids off your table. Using our platemat lets your little one pass this phase without you needing to worry about your table's surface or scrubbing the table clean every time they eat. Believe us, we know!

  • Free of BPA, PVC, phthalates, lead, cadmium and other hormone-disrupting chemicals.
  • Durability
تتم معالجة جميع الطلبات في ١-٣ أيام عمل. لا يتم شحن الطلبات أو تسليمها في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع أو العطل الرسميه. يرجى العلم بأن نحتاج ٢-٥ أيام إضافية للطلبيات مع التطريز
عند اتمام طلبيات التطريز، لا نستطيع تعديل الطلب، استرجاع الطلب او تبديلها
إذا كنا نواجه عددًا كبيرًا من الطلبات ، فقد تتأخر الشحنات ببضعة أيام. يرجى الانتظار أيامًا إضافية للنقل عند التسليم. إذا كان هناك تأخير كبير في شحن طلبك ، سوف نتصل بك عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف.

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